Because we won’t let it go. We are a mixture of lived experienced, currently unhoused, and senior adult neighbors who are able to see the entire landscape of our peers in various stages of depression, social isolation, hopelessness and despair.


Fortunately, because we have been where they are and understand the entire scene better then the others we are able to communicate with our vulnerable neighbors in a way they understand and trust.

That connection builds a confidence that empowers them to try again. That connection is also respect for each other and motivates them to take the proper actions that move them along their newly chosen path.

A sign trying to tell us his needs because no one will talk to him


Since the resources they need to keep going are immediately available, excuses, procrastination, and negative attitudes are no longer issues big enough for them to quit. They see themselves in us now. They know we will not quit on them. They know that we are expecting them to succeed.

Our connection gives them the strength to fight on to accomplish the goals that we have both committed to achieve. Failure is no longer an option for them or for us.

This mutual commitment is stronger than normal agreements involving case managers, social workers, service providers and any other people our Participant’s have ever been associated with. This bonded connection is born from the streets where he/she lives or the apartments where our Senior participants live in boredom and isolation.

This organically generating movement has no basis in the traditional Volunteer Program. Numbers  of hours and reward status and accolades have no relevence here.

No, no, This is a group of people from all parts of the neighborhood who have decided that standing on the side watching, no longer has any attraction. Action is required. A helping hand must be extended. A kind word must be spoken. Silence will no longer be tolerated. Looking away is a part of the past.

Bounceback is taking two of mankind’s greatest tragedies, Homelessness and Senior Adult Societal Isolationism and is creating a sum+  person to person neighborhood movement committed to overcoming  2 of humanities greatest  challenges.

This is not a typical volunteer program but an opportunity for every neighbor,  with a little guidance from our Experienced Participants to become passionate, purposeful and committed.

JOIN US and be the difference in someone else’s life. Take the sum and substance from your life and give of yourself like never before.